Resting Place

Sale price€99 Regular price€129
On sale

Tax included.

Vildan Cirpan, Tobi Langer und +23.100 weitere Katzenliebhaber lieben unsere Produkte
Color: Metal White & Cushion Cream
Large Resting Place: ø42cm (cats up to 8kg)

Large Resting Place

Alignment: tilted to the left


von Hand für dich gefertigt, in 7 Wochen bei dir

  • 100% Wohlfühl-Garantie
  • 100 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie
  • 10 Jahre Qualitäts-Garantie
  • In Raten oder nach 30 Tagen zahlen

Unsere Highlights

100% feel-good guarantee. 100 day money-back guarantee.

So that you can be sure
can that this is the new
becomes your cat's favorite place.
0% risk — 100% security.

Forever like new. No more worn-out cat furniture.

Material of the highest quality, created to last forever.
For the good of your cat, our

Environment & your wallet.

For a long, healthy
& happy cat life.

No carpets, no chemicals — but more naturalness & hygiene: replaceable sisal & washable cushions.

Design that invites you to dream.

A timeless interplay of natural materials and minimalist curves that blend seamlessly into any ambience.

Redesign, expand.
Suitable for all phases of life.

Adjust the arrangement of the modules to suit your cat's preferences. This way, your cat will have exactly what it needs at every stage of its life.

Your feedback 😻

Vildan Cirpan, Tobi Langer und +23.100 weitere Katzenliebhaber lieben unsere Produkte

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100% Zufriedenheit & 100 Tage Rückgaberecht

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Zahlen nach 30 Tagen oder in 36 Raten

Mit PayPal oder Klarna kannst du deinen Einkauf nach 30 Tagen bezahlen. Oder in bis zu 36 Raten per Klarna.

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